60 dus
45 kbs 53#
30 box jump overs 24"
15 powersnatch 95#
If finish before 6 min rest til 6 and start again
This blog is dedicated to spreading the news and knowledge of true Wellness. I hope to bring new and fresh perspectives to my readers on what true health is and how you achieve it. I hope to show you that you and you alone are responsible and accountable for your health and quality of life.
1. Snatch
work up to a heavy single from the high hang
175# (Jason R hit 275!)
2. Snatch
EMOMx5: 5 TnG Squat Snatches, across
3. Conditioning
5 Rds:
25 Cal Row
12 1-arm alternating DB Snatch, 70/50 (6/side)
3 Rope Climbs
Time: 16:43
1. Conditioning
“Power Drill”
5 Rounds:
5 Handstand Pushups
10 Power Clean, 135/95
15 Burpees
20 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35
25 Wallball Shots, 20/14
3 Minute Rest