Friday, April 5, 2013

4/5/13 13.5

4 min AMRAP
15 thrusters 100
15 c2b
If u reach 90+ reps it becomes an
8 min AMRAP
15 thrusters 100
15 c2b
If u reach 180+ reps it becomes a
12 min AMRAP...

Reps: 82

Thursday, April 4, 2013

4/4/13 13.5 walk thru

Row 1000m
Full Body D.ROM
3 Rounds @ 60-70-80% effort
10 Wall Ball @ 14-20# to 10'
5 Strict Pull-up
3-4 Rounds of
200m Row - hard (get your breathing up)
5-7 Thrusters @ 100
5-7 C2B Pull-ups
Rest ~3min between rounds
Time: 1:20 a round

10-15min cool-down

Monday, April 1, 2013


Row 30min @ Z1
7259m (2:04 pace)
Full-body Stretch & Mobility

General Aerobic Warm-up 10min
Whole Body Dynamic ROM
Mixed Modal Aerobic 40min @ Z1
-SA DB/KB Snatch (focus on weaker arm)
-KB TGU (focus on weaker arm)
-SA KB OH Walking Lunge (focus on weaker arm)
-Pistol (focus on weaker leg)

Notes: work at a SUSTAINABLE PACE, you should NOT be fatigued or tired at any point during this 40min. This is AEROBIC RECOVERY skill work - think rep-rep, step back, rep-rep, step back. Breathing & sweating is good, redlining is bad.