A1. KB 2arm Shoulder Press - 4 x 5-6 TOUGH reps; rest 10sec
53# all UB
A2. Strict Deficit(1 plate) HSPU - 4 x AMRAP in 60sec; rest 20sec
2, 2. Then I got rid of deficit. 4, 3 (4 was no rep at buzzer cuz feet weren't on wall)
A3. Rings Dip - 4 x 20reps for time; rest 4min
26, 23, 37 (11,4,3,2), 42,(8,5,4,3)
B1. Wtd. Supine Grip Chin-up - 4 x 5-6 TOUGH reps; rest 20sec
53#, 6,5,5,5
B2. Strict Muscle-up - 4 x AMRAP in 60sec; rest 30sec
6, 2, 0 (3 fails), 5 (kipping)
B3. C2B Pull-up - 4 x 20reps for time; rest 4min
55 (10,4,3,3), 51 (5,5,5,2,3), 52 (5,5,3,2,3,2), 58 (5,5,5, 3,2 last ten were kip)
This series was killer. Quick decline in muscle ups.
6 Rounds @ 85%
15 KB Swings @ 70#
50 UB Double-unders
Time: 12:57
Kbs: 15, 15, 15, 10,5, 8,7, 6,5,4
Dus: first set did 50 UB, rest accum 50 over 3 sets in reps no smaller than 15, did 41 and 9 on set 4.
Shoulders were smoked!