Friday, March 14, 2014


14.3 walk through
Did first 2 rounds no problem

Played with grip, rep scheme, etc

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


6 rounds of 60 sec max cal airdyne with 5 min slow spin between. Rest 10 min between 3 and 4.

R1: 50
R2: 37
R3: 37
R4: 41
R5: 36
R6: 38

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


A. HB Back Sqauat - 5,3,1; rest 3min (by feel)

245x5, 265x3, 285x1

B. TnG Push Press - 5,3,1; rest 3min (5@80%, 3@85%, 1@92%)

175x5, tweaked L levator on 5th rep and stopped for day

5 Muscle-ups
5 Squat Cleans @ 185#
Rest 10min
15 Burpees
15 Wallball @ 20#

Monday, March 10, 2014


Airdyne - 10min @ Z1
93 avg watts, 76 cals
Airdyne - 60sec @ 80% effort
Airdyne - 30sec @ slow-spin recovery

239 avg watts, 257 cals
Airdyne - 10min @ Z1

105 avg watts, 84 cals
Mobility - 30min