Saturday, November 16, 2013

11/16/13 SuperFit

12 overall out of 21

Event 1
We were 1st

Event 2
We were 15th
7th overall after 2 events

Event 3 
We were ...
Finished 12 overall

Thursday, November 14, 2013


5 Rounds @ 85% (sustainable pace)
10 Squat Cleans @ 155
200m Run
10 Thrusters @ 115
200m Run
Rest 3min b/t rounds
**20g carbs + 10g BCAA’s, sip b/t rounds

R1: 4:08
Sets of 2 squat clean, UB thruster

R2: 4:06
All single squat clean, UB thruster

R3: 3:51
Singles, UB

R4: 4:28
Singles, 5,5. On second set of 5 had to rest in rack after 3.

R5: 4:17
Singles, UB

This was tough on wind and low back as it went along. Rack rack rack


A. Power Snatch - Build to 1RM

185 this is a PR. Went up easy, then 190 wouldn't go up at all.

B. Power Clean - Build to 1RM

255, this is down 10 from early September. Hit 255 on 2nd try. Missed 265 2x.

Airdyne 60sec @ 85%
Airdyne 30sec @ 50%
**20g carbs + 10g BCAA’s during AD

Total avg watts: 234
Avg watts 85 1st 10 min: 311
2nd 10 min: 287
3rd 10 min: 287

Cals: 507

This was toughest from minute 13-17.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


A1. Wtd. Ring Dip - build to 1RM; rest as needed

132, this is a PR. I don't have a previous 1RM but whatever it was, I just crushed it. The only previous record I have is 5x5 w 26#.

A2. Wtd. Pull-up - build to 1RM; rest as needed

117, this is down 9# from my pr on 8/29/13.

B. Strict Muscle-up - 6 x 4; rest 90sec

All UB. This was good.

C1. C2B Pull-up - 5 x 12 for time; rest 45sec

15sec every round except 14 on last

C2. Ring Dip - 5 x 12 for time; rest 45sec

13 sec every round except 12 on 3rd and 14 on last

7 Rounds @ 85%
14 Deadlift @ 155#
14 Box Jumps @ 20”

Time: 8:17

UB on all DL, only broke on box jumps cu lost balance.
Felt low back some but not like I expected. Started to feel what "right" should feel like.

**Focus on eccentric mechanics on DL & “dropping” hips back before leaving the box

Sunday, November 10, 2013


A. Wall Facing KB Goblet Squat - 10 x 5; rest 90sec (feet no more than 2” away from wall; heaviest KB possible, mobilize groin between sets & focus on squatting between your feet)

This was very hard. Didn't get a full rep and used 53 hanging between legs.

B. Squat Clean - 5 x; rest 20sec + 3min (use 185+)

205x3 sets and 295x2 sets. Failed 2nd rep of 4th cluster of 4th set. This was tough, last 4 reps of each set especially.

C. Push Jerk - 50 reps for time @ 135# (use jerk blocks)

Did 10,7,5,3,5,5,4,3,3,3,2. This was harder than I thought it would be. My left shoulder has hurt all afternoon adjusting people.


Row - 10 x 150m @ 100%; rest 90sec
**20g carbs + 10g BCAA during rows

Didn't get to these, ran out of time. Will try and get them in tonight. If not ill make them up this week.