Thursday, April 24, 2014

4/24/14 pm

A. Split Jerk - 20min Tech work
A. Split Jerk - 7 singles b/t 75-80%; rest 90sec

I forgot what you call it...but I did that.
(Oh yeah, wave load)

Better than last week technique wise, but still needs work.

B1. HB Back Squat - 10 tough reps x5; rest 10sec


B2. Front Squat - 5 reps x5 (same weight as ""A""); rest 30sec


B3. Back Rack Walking Lunge - 24 steps x5; rest 3min


This was def tougher than last week.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


60min Z1 Skill Session

20 min mobility TS

40 min:

Bottom up kb carry 35 building and back
Kb single arm farmer walk building and back w:
Bottom up carry 35
Single farmer 96
5 TGU ea 35
Bottom up 35
5 kb snatch wa 53
Sfc 96
5 kb snatch ea 62
5 TGU ea 44
96 sfc
5 kb snatch ea 70
Bottom up 35
3 TGU ea 53
Sfc 96

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

4/22/14 pm

A. Jerk Grip OHS - 5 moderate reps x4; rest 90sec

65, 85, 95, 95
Bar had 2 rings. Started index on ring on first set, ended w pinky on inner ring on last set. Ouch in L shoulder.

B. Push Press x3 + Push Jerk x2 - 5 tough sets of the complex; rest 2min


C. DB 2arm Seated Neutral Grip Press - 4 x 8-10 tough reps; rest 90sec

30, 45, 55, 55

Did 10,10,8,6 reps

D1. Wtd. Strict Pull-up - 5 tough reps x4; rest 20sec


Ub thru 3 sets, 2,1,1,1 last set

D2. Kipping CTB Pull-up - 20 for time x4; rest 3min

32, 34, 34, 35
All ub

Monday, April 21, 2014

4/22/14 am

Airdyne - 90sec @ hard aerobic effort
Rest-walk - 2min
Airdyne - 60sec @ hard aerobic effort
Rest-walk 90sec
Airdyne - 30sec @ hard aerobic effort
Rest-walk 60sec

This was great work. Awesome to start day with.

4/21/14 pm

A. HB Back Squat - 12,12,6,6,6; rest 2min

225,225,275,275(3 rest 30,3),275(3 rest 30,2, failed on last rep)

Tough work

B. Kang Squat - 4 x 8 tough reps; rest 2min

Tough on erectors, tried to focus on hamstrings and glutes

C. BB Back Rack Split Squat - 4 x 12 tough reps ea leg; rest 60sec b/t legs

95, 115, 135, 135

C. Sled Push - 30sec x6; rest 2min (moderate load, fast turn-over)