Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Competitor WOD

15 min AMRAP
5 hang power cleans 155#
10 box jump 24"
15 wall ball 20#

Rounds: 8+5+10+4

This was fun. Did all ub except broke 1-2x quick on last 3 rounds of BJ. Rest between movements. A little too much. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


A. Squat Snatch x1 + OHS x3 - build to max of the complex; rest as needed

Hit 175
Missed the last ohs at 185.

B. HB Back Squat - 3,3,2,2 rest 2min (87-94%)

275, 275, 295(1,1),  295 fail
Felt heavy! Haven't worked out since Wednesday 

C. GH Raise - 3 x 5-6; rest 90sec (increase ROM)

Did full rom all three sets!

Didn't get to do wod cuz Reecey had enough. Will try and do it tonight

8 UB Squat Snatch @ 135#
20 UB Back Rack Walkng Lunges @ 135#
Rest 6min