Friday, December 6, 2013


A. RDL - 4 x 5-6 (moderate); rest 90sec

185, 205x3

This was a good stretch.

B. Walking Lunge - 4 x 24 steps @ 105; rest 90sec

No prob, full quads

6min AMRAP@ 85%
Row 250m
10 Burpee BJ @ 20”
10 T2B
Rest 2min"

R1: 2+6 bbj

R2: 2+5 bbj

R3: 2+250 row

All UB Except last set of toes to bar I broke four times.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


A. Squat Snatch - build to 1RM; rest as needed

Hit 200 and lost 205 behind me, almost had it, instead it hit me in the SIJs and twisted my ankle.

EMOM for 20min
O- 3 x Squat Cleans @ 205#
E- 3 x Jerk @ 205#
EMOM for 20min
O- 5 x OHS @ 135
E - 5 x HSPU

Didn't do EMOMs cuz of ankle and knee weird feelings. Did below instead:

20 min airdyne
30 sec 50%
30 sec 85%

Avg watts 246
Cals 354

Held an 85% avg of 379 watts
50% avg of 120 watts

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


A. Power Snatch - 4 x @ 165#; rest 20sec + 3min

This was great. Could feel good reps and sloppy reps. All singles. Only missed one attempt, the last rep on the 3rd set, so pissed. Caught it out front an lost it.

B. Muscle-up - 2UB E30s for 16 sets

All UB no prob

C. C2B Butterfly - 5UB E30s for 13 sets

UB no prob but got more tarded as time went

Monday, December 2, 2013


A. Squat Clean - build to 1RM; rest as needed


Moved to 265 and couldn't get elbows thru fast enough

B. Back Squat - 5 x 5 @ 90-95% of 5RM from last week; rest 90sec

255x2, 260, 265, 270

This was good work. Last 2 on last 2 sets were tough

C.PPx2+SJx3 - build to max of complex; rest as needed


This was good. Did 205x2 for PP, that's a new PR. My old 1rm was 205.

D. 2arm DB Neutral Girp Press - 4 x 5-6; rest 60sec
