Friday, August 10, 2012

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Part 1


6min EMOM of: 1 Clean & Jerk – use 90% of 1RM
3x135, 3x165, 2x195
EMOM - 215

Gymnastic Skill:

8 min EMOM of:
Muscle-up 4 reps – add weight if needed- 12# vest for 4 sets


BB Step-up 4 x 6/leg – work to heavy for the day, record - 125

Part 2 (Rest 3 or more hours)

Conditioning: 2012

12min AMRAP of:

5 Hang Power Snatch @ 125 (or 55% of 1RM Snatch)

10 T2B (open standard)

15 HR Push-ups

R: 6+1

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Part 1
5k Run @ Davidson College, jog 1st mile, hard 2 miles
2 mile Time: 14:14 (7:36 first mile)

Part 2
Clean Pull 6 x 3 – use chains, work to 100% 1RM Clean
135, 135, 185, 215, 265
No chains, was at the garage

Gymnastic Skill/Strength Couplet
Bent Over Row 3 x 6 – heavy - DB 50, 60, 100
HS Walk 3 x 15m

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Snatch from High Blocks 4 x 3 @ 85% of 1RM
95, 145, 160(2), 160(2), 160(2)

Gymnastic Skill/Strength Couplet:
Behind the neck Snatch Push Press 4 x 4 – work to heavy
145, 175, 195(3), 195(2)

CG Bench Press 3 x 3 @ 100% of 3RM from last week
235, 245, 250

Parallette HSPU 2 x MaxRep – unbroken
3, 3

Part 2 (Rest 3 or more hours)
2 minutes to complete each of the following for max reps:
o Row 300 M -:52
o Max Reps Shoulder To Overhead (135/85) - 16
o Rest 2 minutes
o Row 300 M - :57
o Max Reps Power Cleans (155/95) - 10
o Rest 2 minutes
o Row 300 M - 1:00
o Max Reps Front Squats (175/105) - 3

Reverse Hyper 3 x 12 – blue band
GHD Sit-up 3 x 12 – blue band

Monday, August 6, 2012

8/6/12 PM

Part 2 (Rest 3 or more hours)
HB Back Squat 1 x 3 @ 80% 3RM, 1 x 2 @ 100% 3RM, 2 x 1 @ 105% 3RM
3x215, 2x265, 1x280, 1x280(fail)

Front Squat 3 x 1 – work to 1RM
215, 235, 255 failed 2x

Good Morning 4 x 6 @ 100% of last week’s heavy
135, 135,135 135

3 x 5min AMRAP of:
o Wall Ball 15 – 20# to 12’
o C2B Pull-up 12 (regional standard)
o Butcher Push 15m – load it to body weight- 190
o Rest 2min

R1: 3
R2: 2+1
R3: 2

8/6/12 AM

Squat Clean 3 x 3 @ 75%; 3 x 1 @ 85%
165, 185, 195x3
205, 210, 215x1

Gymnastic Skill/Strength Couplet:
Weighted Chin-up 5 x 1 – find 1RM weighed Chin
10 bw warm up, 62, 72, 82, 92, 102

Muscle-up 2 x MaxRep – unbroken sets (rest 45sec) - 12, 5