Saturday, November 13, 2021


Partner WOD
3k row
300 dus
1.5 mile tethered run

Time: 26:27

Row in 10:07
Dus at 15:01
Run at 26:27 (11:26)

Partner: Kate
We split row in 250m increments. I held 1:36-1:38 pace for all.

Friday, November 12, 2021


8 heavy kb dl 70#
1 lap dbl kb farmer carry 70s

20min cap
30 cal row buy in

4 rounds
12 powerclean 135
12 strict hspu
3 rope climbs

Time: 17:21

First round done at 4:30 (with row)

did 17 strict hspu then had to switch to kipping.
12 strict as 6-3-3, 5 strict and 10 kip as 5-5, 18 kip as 6s, 18 kip as 6-6-3-3

1:07 row

fast singles across cleans
fast ropes.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021


10 Floor press medium weight
Straight into
12 push ups

Weight was 135 across
Push ups were 12, 12, 12-6, 6-6, 3s

12min amrap
80 dus
30 wallball 20#
100m run

R: 3+80

goal was 4 rounds. Poor DUs killed me.

DUs were unbroken, 4 breaks, too many breaks, 2 breaks.

wb ub, ub, 15-15


Deadlift max

225, 275, 315, 345, 365, 385, 405

20min cap
20 dbl db push press 50s
20 burpees
20 box jump 24"

Time: 19:44