Friday, May 24, 2024


 12 min EMOM


Min 1-4 - 3 reps

Min 5-8 - 2 reps

Min 9-12 - 1 rep

Started at 135 and added weight every 2 minutes until the last 2 minutes.

135, 155, 175, 195, 205, 225 for 1, 245 for 1.

I was pumped about 245. I haven't attempted that in a long time. It was pretty easy. Leg day is paying dividends.

For time:

15 rounds

2 powerclean 185#

5 t2b

Time: 7:05

My goal was to TNG all the powercleans. I did. T2b were ub. 

Kettlebell WOD

10 min EMOM

10 russian swings 70#

rest 1 min

10 min EMOM

1 TGU 70# (alternate arms each minute)

15min z2 bike

61 rpm avg

186 cals

Accumulate 3 minutes of dead hang.

Took me 6 minutes. Did 1 minute then sets of 30 sec. The PC/T2B taxed my forearms.

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