Tuesday, March 19, 2024


 4 rounds

Every 4 minutes:

800m run

Max rope climbs

rest 1 min

800m run was too much for 4 min, he wanted us to run for 3 minutes then get 1 min of rope climbs in. I ran on the air runner. Ran at 8+ speed the whole time. All 4 rounds I ran to 3 minutes and hit 0.41 miles which is about 650m.

My rope climb sets were to the tape (18 ft) and I got 2, 2, 4, 4. The difference between 2 and 4 was on the 2 sets I walked from the air runner around to the other side. On the 4 sets I used the back doors, way faster.

For time:

2000m row

Every 2:30 starting at 0:00 

5 ring muscle ups

Time: 17:29

RMU were 5, 5, 3-2, 3-2, 3-1-1, 2-1-1-miss-1. I had 130m left at the 15 minute mark. I finished it at 15:29. I didn't do the RMU because form was falling apart and I didn't want to get hurt. So I penalized my time by 2 minutes.

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