Monday, July 8, 2013


This week is a deloading week.  Reps and sets will revert back to the first week of this cycle.  DO NOT change your loading/weights from what you have been using, the deloading is controlled by the reduction in volume NOT by reducing intensity.  Reduce the "greasing the groove" warm-up to 3 of YOUR weakest movements every day and hammer those.


Monday 130708

A. Back Squat - 3 x 8; rest 2min (same as last week)


B1. BB Walking Lunge- 3 x 20 steps; rest 60sec


B2. Good Morning - 3 x 6; rest 2min (same as last week)


C. Hanging Knee Raise - 3 x 10; rest 60sec


Butcher - 4 x 15m Sprint; rest 3min (start @ BW, add 20# each set)

200 in :05

220 in :06

240 in :06

260 in :07

Less load but squat was still tough. I'm impressed I did 5 sets of that last week.

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