Friday, June 28, 2024


 I wrote this one

Partner WOD

30 min AMRAP

Partner 1 - 1 trip (50ft) SA DB Overhead Walking Lunge 70/50

Partner 2 - Max Sandbag over the shoulder 150/100

Switch once partner 1 completes 1 trip.

Every 5 minutes beginning on the 0 perform:

0 - 30 t2b

5 - 20 devils press 50/35

10 - 10 bar muscle ups

15 - 10 deadlift 275/195

20 - 20 pistols

25 - 30 snatch 135/95

Score is total Sandbag

Score: 43

I was partnered with JB. He got 1 or 2 sandbag each round. I got 4, 4, 3, 5, 6, 4.

All WL were unbroken for me. I was impressed/surprised at the lack of struggle with those. Left arm lockout was the only tough part. Leg day is paying off!

Snatches I did 5, 3, 4.

BMU I did 5. T2b 15, DP 10, pistols I did all 20.

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