Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Tuesday 130528

A1. CG Bench - 3,3,3,3,3 (use 80% of heavy single from Tuesday 130514); rest 60sec


A2. Pendlay Row - 3,3,3,3,3 (use 95% of heavy triple from Friday 130517); rest 2min


B1. Weighted Dip - 5,5,5,5 (use 75% of heavy single from Thursday 130516); rest 60sec


B2. Weighted Pull-up - 5,5,5,5 (use 80% of heavy single from Monday 130513); rest 2min

80(4), 72x4

C. Strict Hanging Knee Raise - 12,12,12; rest 60sec


3 Round @ 85% (this is aerobic work NOT anaerobic lactic endurance, treat it like a 1000m Rpw or 800m Run)

30cals Airdyne

10 Burpees

15 T2B (or max UB)

10 Burpees

30cals Airdyne

Rest 2min

R1: 4:23
R2: 4:50
R3: 5:21

All sets did 15 t2b UB

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