Thursday, April 25, 2013


2000m row warm up
2016m in 7:30, 1:51.4 pace

3 Rounds:
Pistol - 3-5/leg (use a 20# KB for balance if needed)
Sets of 3

Muscle-up - 3-8 UB reps
3 sets of 8 UB

A. High Box (1-2” above parallel) Squat - 6 x 3; rest 90sec (keep the weight light 40-45%, explode from box)
135, way too light but I'd done 6 sets before Kyle came over an taught us what he wanted

B. Weighted Pull-up - 5 x 5-7; rest 90sec
All sets of 5 UB with 70# (only got 4 on last set)

C1. Banded Kneeling Squat - 3 x 10; rest 60sec (set-up in the squat cage, use 60-90# sandbag)
60, 90, 90

C2. Chinese DB Row - 3 x 6-8 each arm @ 21x0; rest 60sec (heavy & fast)

Airdyne 20min @ Z1 (maintain between 125-180w)
236 cal, 155 avg W

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