Wednesday, April 17, 2024


 Thunder Bros shoulders

3 sets of 10

DB bent front raises into rear raises, 10#

BB Push Press

12 at 6 RPE - 95#

10 at 7 RPE - 115#

8 at 8 RPE - 145#

6 at 9 RPE - 165#

6 reps then drop 30% and max reps - 165# drop to 115# and hit 16 reps

Seated Dbl DB press

15 reps at 3 sec up, 3 sec neg - 25#

3 reps at 3 sec up, 3 sec neg then 3 fast reps done 3 times (for total 18 reps) - 25#

12 reps no tempo - 25#

10 reps - 35#

10 reps then drop 30% and do 10 reps - 45# then 35# - only got 6 and 5 reps

8 reps then drop 30% and max reps - 35# then 25# - got 15 reps at 25#

3 sets

10 DB lateral raise, 15#

straight into

Drop 30% and max reps until ROM is poor, 12#

straight into

Drop 30% and max reps, 10#

Set 1: 10, 25, 15

Set 2: 10, 25, 15

Set 3: 10, 25, 15

This burned and pumped us up

Accumulate 3 minutes of dead hang from the pull up bar in the shortest time possible:

2 minute dead hang unbroken (this is a PR, hands were getting tingly)

rest 1 min

1 minute dead hang unbroken

Total: 4:00 to accumulate 3 minutes of dead hang.

This really helped loosen up the shoulders after all that.

Sprint work

Ran at 70% max








On assault runner

15min z2 bike

152 cals

56 rpm avg

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