Tuesday, October 7, 2014


15min HS Walking Play/Practice

Made it half way across 2x, 3/4 once, and all the way once. Rest were smaller.

A. Strict HSPU - 10 x 3; rest to complete recovery b/t sets

Did all with 30 sec between accept one minute between set 4-5.

B. L-Sit CTB Pull-up - 5 x AMRAP UB: rest 90sec

R1: 10
R2: 4
R3: 4
R4: 5
R5: 4
This is tough, especially holding the L on the eccentric

EMOM for 12min
Odd - 4-5 UB Muscle-ups
Even - 6-8 Strict Hanging Knee Raises

This was hard after all te other upper body today. MU: 5,5,5,4,4,4

3 Rounds NOT for time:
20 Hollow-body rocks (forward+backward =1)
15 Arch Body Rocks (like hollow-body but on your stomach)
15sec Single-arm Ring Hang ea arm
20sec Assisted German Ring Hang (feet on box)

Germans are tough even with support

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