Monday, November 19, 2012


Enjoy - I'll be doing Oly/Strength in the AM, Conditioning @ 3 w/ Preston

Monday 11/19/12

Weak Skill 1 (2 x 5 Muscle-up, 2 x 8 Strict HSPU, 100 Double-unders)

Core (3 x 20second Hollow Rocker Hold)

OLYMPIC/STRENGTH - record load for each movement

Power Clean & Power Jerk 5 x 2 (80%) - 210 - one jerk each in first 2 sets. Failed both jerks in 3 set so switched to split jerk for last 2 sets. Missed one on last set.

these should not be touch & go

Clean Pull 5 x 3 (105% of Clean) - 275

Front Squat 4 x 3 (80%) - 210

CONDITIONING - Record load/times for EMOM, times for Row

10m EMOM: 6 Thruster @ 135, 6 Pull-up (this is written for someone with a 255 or heavier Push Press, scale the weight for the thruster as needed)

5 sets RX in 26 sec avg. 5 sets of 3 thrusters 135# and 6 pull ups in 19 sec avg

Rest 5min

1 x 500m Row Sprints; rest 2 minutes

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