Sunday, May 12, 2024


 Thunder bros Leg Day

Partner warm up

2 rounds, all with a 20# wallball

10 chest passes

10 overhead passes

10 side passes left

10 side passes right

10 Granny passes

10 wallballs

Landmine double leg RDL and walking lunge superset

15 landmine RDL 25# with 3 sec negative


10 bodyweight walking lunges with double pulse

15 landmine RDL 35# with 3 sec neg


10 walking lunges with triple pulse, double dbl 25#

15 landmine RDL 45# with 3 sec neg


10 walking lunges quadruple pulse, double dbl 35#

Heel elevated Mummy front squats, elevated on 25# plates

A. 15 light reps - 75#

B. 5 half reps from bottom into 5 full reps x3 (30 total reps) - 75#

C. 3 tempo reps of 5 sec down, 5 sec up into 3 no tempo reps x3 (18 total reps) - 75#

D. 15 reps with 3 sec neg - 75#

E. 20 reps no tempo (weight close to failure) - 95#, this wasn't close to failure, could've hit at least 10 more.

4 sets of:

15 db glute bridges into 20 banded pull throughs

DB weights were 50, 60, 70, 80

Black band

Elevated DB sumo squats, elevated on two 45# plates each foot

A. 20 reps of half up from bottom, full up (1/2 + full = 1 rep) - 70#

B. 5 reps with 3 sec neg, 3 sec up into 5 normal reps x3 (30 total reps) - 70#

C. 10 reps with descending pause at the bottom with each rep (10 sec, 9 sec, 8 sec...), after the 1 sec pause at bottom go straight into max rep 3/4 squats without pausing. - 70#, 50 reps of 3/4

D. 10 reps of 3/4 squat, rest 15 seconds x5 (50 total reps) - 70#

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