Thursday, May 2, 2013


2 Rounds for times:
1 Rope Climb
3 Pistols each leg
6 DB 2arm Squat Clean Thrusters @ 25-45#
Rest 2min between rounds
R1: 1:21 wasn't warm enough for pistols
R2: 0:55
14min EMOM
Odd - Front Squat - 4-6 tough reps
185 all sets for 6 UB

Even - Pendlay Row - 6-8 tough reps
205 all sets for 6 UB

+ rest no more than 2min

12min EMOM
Odd - DB Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat - 6-8 tough reps (alternate legs each round)
50# each for sets of 8 UB

Even - DB Chinese Row - 6-8 tough reps (alternate arms each round)
100# for sets of 8 UB


Row - 4 x 1000m @ 70-80% effort (~10sec faster than Z1); rest 90sec actively
R1: 3:49
R2: 3:47.4
R3: 3:47.5
R4: 3:47.3

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