Friday, April 19, 2013


2 Rounds NOT for time
Pistol - 3-5/leg (use a 20# KB for balance if needed)
Rope Climb - 1 Ascent (practice foot lock technique)
Bar Muscle-up - 2-5 UB reps
EMOM for 16min
Odd - Front Squat 3-5 tough reps
185 for 3 sets, 205 for 5 sets, 3 reps each

Even - Bent Row (overhand grip) 5-7 tough reps
185 all sets for 5 reps

DB Squat Jump - 5,5,5,5; rest 60sec (these should be for maximal height and explosiveness, use a moderate-heavy weight in each hand)
35 each hand

MAP7 Conditioning (rest 5min between A, B, & C)

A. 10min AMRAP of:
10 KB Swings @ 62#
10 Burpees
9+9 KBS
Score: 189

B. 10min Row for calories(80-85% pacing)
171 cal

C. 10min AMRAP of:
5 strict pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
9+7 push ups
Score: 282

*Score = total reps for A and C + total calories for B
Total: 642

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