Wednesday, April 17, 2013


1000-2000m Row - 3:50 (1:55 pace)
3 Rounds NOT for time:
Strict HSPU - 4-6 reps
KB Single-Leg Deadlift - 6-8 reps/leg 8 reps w 53s
Double-unders - 20-40 UNBROKEN (if you break before you reach 20, start over)
20, 23, literally did 20 sets and couldn't pass 18 so I moved on
Rest 30sec between rounds
A. Deadlift - 5,5,5,5 @30x1; on the minute

B. Weighted Bar Dip - 8,8,8,8 @30x1; on the minue
35# all sets
2 unbroken, set 3 was 6/2, set 4 was 3 then all 1s. 2 no reps, finished 7 in the minute

C. Good Morning - 6,6,6 (moderate) @2111; rest 60sec

Row - 3000m @ 80-85% effort; rest exactly 5min
Time: 11:38.1 (pace 1:56)

Run - 2000m @ 80-85% effort; (run this as 2 x [800m Loop and around building])
Time: 7:42

Airdyne 10min @ Z1

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