Monday, June 14, 2010

Wellness Lifestyle Implementation Steps 6/13/10

Man it's hot!!! I hope everyone is hydrating enough, remember, you should drink half your weight in ounces of water everyday. And more on days like this! I have lots of announcements.
Coming up this week:
Tuesday night we have a Reiki Share at my office from 7-8pm. It will be taught by Stacy Quealey.
Thursday night from 7-8pm at my office Bernadette Sanders and I will be giving a talk entitled, "Exercise and Nutrition for Cancer and Chronic Illness". Please come and enrich your knowledge base.
Lastly, I founded a group called the
Charlotte Holistic Health Education Group. Please join and find out more about it at:

Our first meetup will be Thursday, June 24th from 7-8pm at my office. Find out all the details at the above link. It's going to be a great health resource for everyone!

Did You Know???: Chiropractic care is a form of jumper cables for your immune system? The nervous system and immune system are intricately intertwined and cannot function without each other. The nerves that exit your spine in your midback between your shoulder blades play a key role in ensuring that you have a healthy immune response to any kind of adversity. If you have a misalignment or lack of movement in that part of your spine, your brain's ability to effectively communicate with and orchestrate your immune system is below optimal. A below optimal immune system is a chink in your armor. That's how sickness and disease creeps in. They're good at finding your weak spots. Don't make it easy for them. Maintain your health by maintaining proper spinal alignment and nervous system function. See your Chiropractor.

Book Of The Week: Influence by Robert Cialdini, PhD

Recipe Of The Week: Paleo Cookie Bars

1 cup smooth almond butter
2 whole eggs
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup coconut oil
1 cup almond flour
1/2 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup carob nips
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 and grease a 13" x 9" pan with coconut oil.
Mix almond butter, eggs, honey, and coconut oil first.
Mix in flour, cocoa powder, fruit, and coconut.
Pour mixture into pan.
Bake for 9-11 minutes.
Add any ingredients as necessary if mixture appears runny.

Quote Of The Week:

"Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence consistently applying the basic fundamentals." -Jim Rohn

Goal Of The Week: Replace all of your plastic water bottles, tupperware, and kitchen storage containers; anything that holds food or liquid that you will consume, will glassware. Pyrex is an excellent and inexpensive brand that you can purchase at Walmart and Target. By achieving this goal, you will substantially decrease the amount of toxic chemicals (like Bisphenol-A) that leach out of the plastic into your food and liquid.

Article Of The Week:
Poor Health? Easier For Some To Blame Bad Genes Than Change Lifestyle

Doctor's Soapbox:
Here is a study from the Annals of Behavioral Medicine that reinforces what I teach: poor lifestyle choices are the most important factor in the cause of disease. What this study looked at was whether or not people really understand this? What they found was interesting. The answer is yes, people do understand that their choices are the major determinate in their state of health or disease, but they don't want to admit it because that makes them accountable. The researchers found that the poorer the health of the individuals studied, the more likely they were to have a victim mentality, i.e. blame their genes for their poor health. This mentality creates a vicious cycle. Instead of admitting that their poor health/disease is the direct result of their own poor choices and changing their lifestyles (which requires work) to reach health, the people continue making poor choices. They remain lazy (remain the "victim") and continue to slide down the slippery slope of disease because that's easier (takes no work) than getting off the couch to exercise, plan and cook real meals, and get involved in their community.

If this is you, the secret is out, you're not fooling anybody, you're hurting yourself and your loved ones. So please, do yourself and your loved ones a favor. Admit the truth, and start to make the simple and necessary changes to point you back in the direction of health. If you need help, please call me, this is my passion and I'd love to work with you.


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