Saturday, July 6, 2024


Thunder bros leg day

A. 3 sets
30 banded hamstring curls
10 BB stiff leg RDL heels together toes out 
10 RDL feet shoulder width
10 RDL sumo stance

95# all sets 

B. Back squat
15 reps 3 sec down, 3 sec up - 95#
3 reps 3 sec down/up into 5 reps no tempo x3 - 115#
5 half reps from bottom into 3 full no tempo x3 - 135#
3 half reps from bottom into 3 full no tempo x3 - 155#
12 full reps heavy, drop 30% do 15 half reps from bottom, drop 30% do max half reps from bottom.
185 for 12, 115 for 15 half reps, 95 for 20 half reps.

C. 3 sets
10 BB hip thrusts 3 sec down, 1 sec top
20 banded seated abduction

135# across

D. Max DB Bulgarian Split Squat holding rig
1 set each leg for 90 sec w/20#
Rest 2 min

Left leg: 64
Right leg: 74

E. Alternating Oblique cable crunches with rope handle
3x30 with 80#

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