Wednesday, June 5, 2024


 T Bros Back Day


3 sets

30 banded pull aparts, red band

20 light russian KBS, 35#

15 ring rows

3 sets 

Seated single arm banded Lat pulldowns with Iso-holds, red band

15 left arm w/right arm contracted

15 right arm w/left arm contracted

15 double arm lat pull downs

4 sets of

10 heavy T-bar landmine rows

immediately into

20 alternating chest supported DB rows

T-bar weights were bar plus 90, 115, 130, 145

DBs were 50#

3 sets

10 reps Cliff Hanger Pull Ups (5 each side) with 2 sec negative


20 DB pull overs, 50#


1 min max Thrusters 115#

rest 2min

1 min max rope climbs

rest 2min

1 min max cal bike

rest 2min

1 min max rope climbs

rest 2min

1 min max thrusters 115#

Thrusters were 17 (12-5) and 13 (7-3-3). I left 1 rep out there on both sets.

Rope climbs were 5 and 3.

Bike was 35 cals (beat Gary by 10 cals).

This was fun, challenging.

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