Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 Front Squat with 3 sec negative

7 at 95

7 at 115

5 at 145

5 at 165

5 at 185

This felt great. A few weeks ago we did 165 with 3 sec negative and that felt much harder than the 185 felt today.

23 min emom

14 hspu

16 t2b

20 alt V ups

16 t2b

14 hspu

1min rest

20 cal row

16 dbl db s2o 50#

20 cal row

16 dbl db s2o

20 cal row

1 min rest

6/6 single arm s2o 70#

20 cal row

6/6 SA s2o

20 cal row

6/6 SA s2o

rest 1 min

14 hspu

20 alt V-ups

16 dbl db s20

16 t2b

6/6 SA s2o

This was tough. 1st 5 min was unbroken. 2nd 5 min were too. The SA s2o were tough. On the 2nd row of the 3rd set I only got 10 cals. Last t2b was 8-4-4.

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