Friday, September 13, 2024


3 sets
20 alternating DB shoulder press from top, 35#
50 banded pull apart, black band

3rd set of press do max reps = 26

3 sets
15 Seated db clean and jerk, 35#

25min cap
5 rounds
10 SA DB s2o right arm, 50#
10 c2b
10 SA DB s2o left arm 50#
10 sandbag over shoulder, 150#
200m run

Time: 26:21
I had 2 sandbag left at the cap. All unbroken except sandbags which slowed down each round. 1st round was 4:10.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Partner wod
33min cap
343 cal bike
Every 3 min beginning with 0:00 do 11 synchro burpees

Time: 31:30
Partner: Kate

I did 201 of the cals as 43, 35, 36, 35, 35, and the final 17.

Rode 70-74 the first round then 66-68 for rest. This felt good.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


8min emom
30 sec handstand hold
Max strict hspu

Hspu: 6, 3, 3, 2

3 sets 
12 dbl db front raises 15#
Rest 30 sec
30% of max rep strict hspu

3, 3, 2

15min cap
108-84-60-36 DUs
27-21-15-9 Goblet Squats 70#
20 GHD

Time: 14:30

DUs had breaks but were efficient. Did 77 in 108 set before break.
Squats ub except 11-10.
GHD were 20, 10-10, 10-5-5, 8-4-3-3-2

Sunday, September 8, 2024


Thunder bros leg day

Box squat with 3 sec negative 

3 sets
BB hip thrusts with 3 sec negative and 1 sec pause at top, 135#
20 banded lateral steps per leg

Landmine Hack Squats
A. 10 reps with 3 sec negative and 1 sec pause at bottom, 80#
B. Same as A
C. 5 full reps into 10 half squats from top x5 (75 rep total)
D. Same as C

Single DB Bulgarian Split Squats
One set each leg
8 reps with 8 sec pause in bottom on 8th rep
Do the above with a 90 into 70 into 50 into 35. That is one set. Do again with the other leg.