Friday, June 7, 2024


 T Bros shoulders

Warm up

30 banded pull aparts, red band

20 seesaw db shoulder press, 20 then 35#

Strict Press

15 reps 45#

5 reps 95#

3 reps 135#

3 reps 155#

5 reps 145# (4)

Strict Press Giant Set

Max rep 135#


Max rep 95#


Max rep 75#

Reps were 6, 9, 7.

Landmine half kneeling single arm shoulder press

3x12 each arm with 3 second negative





5 rounds

2 min amrap

5 shuttle runs (down back is one)

5 Dball over shoulder 150#

50 ft DB SA overhead walking lunge, 70#

rest 2 min

Every round I got 6 steps (20 feet) with the lunge, except the fourth round I got 8 steps.

15 min z2 bike

158 cals

58 rpm avg

Accumulate 3 min Deadhang AFAP

1:30 hang

1min rest

1 min hang

1 min rest

30 sec hang

Took 5 min

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


 T Bros Back Day


3 sets

30 banded pull aparts, red band

20 light russian KBS, 35#

15 ring rows

3 sets 

Seated single arm banded Lat pulldowns with Iso-holds, red band

15 left arm w/right arm contracted

15 right arm w/left arm contracted

15 double arm lat pull downs

4 sets of

10 heavy T-bar landmine rows

immediately into

20 alternating chest supported DB rows

T-bar weights were bar plus 90, 115, 130, 145

DBs were 50#

3 sets

10 reps Cliff Hanger Pull Ups (5 each side) with 2 sec negative


20 DB pull overs, 50#


1 min max Thrusters 115#

rest 2min

1 min max rope climbs

rest 2min

1 min max cal bike

rest 2min

1 min max rope climbs

rest 2min

1 min max thrusters 115#

Thrusters were 17 (12-5) and 13 (7-3-3). I left 1 rep out there on both sets.

Rope climbs were 5 and 3.

Bike was 35 cals (beat Gary by 10 cals).

This was fun, challenging.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 Front Squat with 3 sec negative

7 at 95

7 at 115

5 at 145

5 at 165

5 at 185

This felt great. A few weeks ago we did 165 with 3 sec negative and that felt much harder than the 185 felt today.

23 min emom

14 hspu

16 t2b

20 alt V ups

16 t2b

14 hspu

1min rest

20 cal row

16 dbl db s2o 50#

20 cal row

16 dbl db s2o

20 cal row

1 min rest

6/6 single arm s2o 70#

20 cal row

6/6 SA s2o

20 cal row

6/6 SA s2o

rest 1 min

14 hspu

20 alt V-ups

16 dbl db s20

16 t2b

6/6 SA s2o

This was tough. 1st 5 min was unbroken. 2nd 5 min were too. The SA s2o were tough. On the 2nd row of the 3rd set I only got 10 cals. Last t2b was 8-4-4.

Sunday, June 2, 2024


 Thunder Bros Leg Day


30 banded seated double hamstring curls, red band


10 empty BB stiff leg RDL heels together, toes pointing out

2nd round into

10 empty BB stiff leg RDL legs shoulder width, toes normal

3rd round into

10 empty BB stiff leg RDL in sumo stance

Box Squat

4x5 with 3 sec negative







3 sets

16 alternating double DB box step ups with 3 second negative


DBs were 10s, 15s, 20s

This was good work.

Metabolic Stress 

Every 90 sec for 5 rounds

25 Sumo stance DB squats

used 70# for 2 rounds then 90# for 3 rounds

3 sets

30 low plank alternating knee to elbow

rest 60 sec

3 sets

10 GHD, rest 30 sec

15 min z2 row


2:03.1 pace

237 cals