A. TnG Power Snatch x2 + Bnk Snatch Grip Push Press x2 - 5 tough sets of the complex; rest 2min
95, 115, 135, 155, 175(failed 2nd snatch)
B. Front Squat w/ Chains - 7 x 2; rest 90sec (increase bar load + tough chains)
145, 165, 185, 205x4 sets all with chains
Haven't done this in previous weeks due to busy Saturdays do decided I'll start rotating my fri and sat workouts on Fridays until my weekends clear up.
For time:
5-4-3-2-1 UB sets of:
Hang Squat Clean @ 175#
Rest to complete recovery
R1: 2:39
R2: 2:46
All ub reps but transition ttb to bar was tough and slow on 3-2-1