Thursday, October 16, 2014


A. TnG Power Snatch x2 + Bnk Snatch Grip Push Press x2 - 5 tough sets of the complex; rest 2min

95, 115, 135, 155, 175(failed 2nd snatch)

B. Front Squat w/ Chains - 7 x 2; rest 90sec (increase bar load + tough chains)

145, 165, 185, 205x4 sets all with chains
Haven't done this in previous weeks due to busy Saturdays do decided I'll start rotating my fri and sat workouts on Fridays until my weekends clear up.

For time:
5-4-3-2-1 UB sets of:
Hang Squat Clean @ 175#
Rest to complete recovery

R1: 2:39
R2: 2:46

All ub reps but transition ttb to bar was tough and slow on 3-2-1

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


A. 3"" Deficit Clean Pulls - 5,5,5,3,3; rest 2min (95/100% of Clean 1RM across, use straps)


15 UB TnG Deadlift @115# (any-grip)
AMRAP UB Power Snatch @ 115#
Rest 5min
*minimal transition time b/t DL/Snatch

R1: 20
R2: 16
R3: 10, grip is smoked
R4: 9, should've hit ten

This was total grip smokage

Monday, October 13, 2014


15min HS Walking Play/Practice

Did for 6 min cuz got here late. Got 4 at 33-50% across. Felt like I had more balance and control than last week.


A. Strict HSPU - 12 x 3; rest to complete recovery b/t sets

Did all sets with 1 min rest no misses

B. L-Sit CTB Pull-up - 6 x AMRAP UB: rest 90sec

R1: 10
R2: 7
R3: 5
R4: 5
R5: 4
R6: 4

I did better this week across all sets

EMOM for 12min
Odd - 5 UB Muscle-ups
Even - 8 GHD sit-ups

This was tough! Ghd made the kip on MU tough. Did 5 ub thru 4 rounds. Got 4.5 on 5th set, caught real low in dip and couldn't get out. Got 3 on last set.

3 Rounds NOT for time:
20 Hollow-body rocks (forward+backward =1)
15 Arch Body Rocks (like hollow-body but on your stomach)
15sec Single-arm Ring Hang ea arm
20sec Assisted German Ring Hang (feet on box)


A. HB Back Squat - 5,5,5,3,3; rest 2min (85/95% of 5RM)

225, 230, 240, 245, 250

B. BB Back Rack Walking Lunge - 4 x 16; rest 2min (155#)

Did it. This was the first day since last Mondays lunges that I wasn't tender to touch

In 30sec, complete:
7 TnG Power Snatch @95# AFAP
MaxCal AD in remaining time
Rest 4min

R1: 0:15, 15 cals
R2: 0:14, 15
R3: 0:14, 15
R4: 0:14, 15

Good stuff