Sunday, May 19, 2024


 Thunder Bros Legs

Warm up

Banded Bulgarian Split Squat with single DB

10 reps each leg


10 Dbl DB RDL with 3 sec neg and 1 sec pause

Bands per set: red, black, green, blue

Single 25# DB

RDLs with 25# 

5 sets

12 Back Squat with 3 sec neg, 1 sec pause, 135#


20 Heel Elevated 2" 3/4 Goblet Squat, 50#

Last set used 155# for squat. The goblet squats smoked the quads.

3 sets

10 Landmine rear lunge curtsy 1/2 up + full up = 1 rep, each leg. 25#

5 sets

30 seated DB calf raises, 50# on each leg.

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