Sunday, June 30, 2024


Thunder bros leg day

Warm up
Partner med ball throws 14#
Chest pass
Overhead pass
Left side pass
Right side pass
Granny pass

Seated vertical to a box
Sit on 20" and jump to height
30" plus...
2 plates
3 plates
4 plates

Box squat with 3 sec negative 
5 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 225
5 x 245
Max rep at 70% of 245
= 30 reps at 175

3 rounds
Heels elevated DB goblet squats w/50#
8 reps of half up then full up (is 1 rep)
5 reps 3 sec down and 3 sec up
Max rep pistons (squats in the 25-75% rep range)
10 triple pulse bodyweight walking lunges

Pistons were 20, 10, 10.

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